Student Life » Counseling Services

Counseling Services


Melissa Meibeyer

[email protected]

What is COST (Coordination of Services Team).
COST is a team of administrators, teachers, counselors, school site social workers, medical and mental health staff, family navigators, and community partners who work together to make sure that all of our students receive the help and support that they need. Click here to learn more. 
Click here to fill out a COST referral form (This may be filled out by any student, teacher, parent, guardian, or community member who wishes for a student to be referred for services). 



Concurrent Enrollment: (click link to be redirected to application)

Concurrent Enrollment Description and Regulations: Chabot College provides opportunities for high school students in the 10th, 11th or 12th grade to enroll in college-level, degree-applicable courses for advanced scholastic or advanced vocational purposes.


More info about concurrent enrollment:

  • Steps for concurrent enrollment at Chabot
  • Suggested classes for HS students


Dual Enrollment:

Dual Enrollment allows students who are still in high school to take college-level courses and accelerate their educational achievement. Dual enrolled students earn credit towards high school graduation, while at the same time earning college credits. Most Dual Enrollment courses are conveniently offered on the high school campus (unless otherwise noted)

Registration fees, tuition and lab fees are waived for Dual Enrollment students. All services available to regular college students, such as use of the Library and Tutoring Center are also available to dual enrolled students.


Each year, in September or October, East Bay Arts High School sends the academic GPA report of the current senior class to the California Student Aid Commission. This is to determine if students are eligible for grants to cover tuition costs. Grants are free and do not have to be paid back.  If you do NOT want your child to be considered for a grant, please contact your child’s counselor by the end of junior year for an ‘opt out’ form.