Resources » Attendance


If your child is unable to attend school today:

Regular attendance at school is an essential part of the educational program of each student at East Bay Arts High School.  We are requesting that you call the school to inform us if your child is ill or for some other reason your child is not coming to school. You should call whether the absence is for the morning, afternoon or the entire day. This procedure not only helps us fulfill required attendance monitoring obligations, but also helps to assure the safety of our students. The phone system is operational twenty-four hours a day, so you can call anytime. Absences must be reported before 9:15 A.M.  As you leave a message on the Absence Voice Mail (510)317-4499, please include the following information:
    •  Student's name, please spell the last name.
    •    Length of absence. (Illnesses extending beyond 3 days require a note from doctor)
    •    Reason for absence - giving this information will eliminate the need for you to send a note with your child 
    •    Request for homework, if desired.

If your child needs to be picked up early please call (510)317-4492